The compliance department must be notified immediately when there is suspected or known non-compliance, fraud, privacy or security issues or unethical or illegal behavior associated with any Network Health product. Please be sure any relevant documentation is included with the report.

Click on the button below to report an issue

Report an Incident


All information sent to the compliance department will remain confidential. Please do not discuss any information regarding these findings with anyone except those involved in the case. As the referring party, you may be called upon at a later date for additional information.


Network Health prohibits any forms of intimidation and/or retaliation against any employee for the good faith reporting of potential and/or compliance issues, fraud, waste and abuse, unethical behavior and/or supplying contact information related to reporting these issues. The compliance department will follow all necessary procedures to protect against any intimidation/retaliation toward such individuals for exercising their rights of disclosure. Any employee who commits or condones any form of intimidation, retaliation or disruptive behavior will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including termination.

You may also contact the Incident Hotline anonymously at 877-700-7020, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.